The Hellenic Calendar Logo
The Hellenic Calendar Logo


Frequently-Asked Questions

As we receive your event listings and comments, we notice that certain questions keep arising… as well as certain criticisms. Below are some of the things we hear… and how we usually respond. We will continue to add to this list. If you still have comments, suggestions, etc., please e-mail us.

How should I send you information about our Greek dance?

You can e-mail us your information or mail your flyer or news release to:
PO Box 829
Visalia, CA 93279

Or you can contact us to make other arrangements.

Are you aware of our upcoming Greek Festival?

If it is listed, yes. If not, no. We contacted every Greek Orthodox Church in North America (including those in the countries in the location list), as well as many Greek-American and Greek-Canadian national organizations and local groups. Our listings are based on the responses we received.

Our AHEPA district includes two states. Why can’t you include our district events in the listings for both states?

This may make things more convenient for some of our visitors, but doing this opens up too many problems. Some districts include several states and we wouldn’t want to do extra work to confuse our web site visitors who don’t know AHEPA district boundaries. Also, to be consistent, this would mean that any Greek Orthodox Diocese events would have to be listed up to ten times. And we don’t want to worry about the districts or regions of other Greek-American organizations.

We should eventually have a search feature which would create a list of all events based on key words such as “AHEPA,” “District 18” or “festival.” Until then, your “Find in Top Window” command will enable you to find each occurrence of whatever words you are searching for.

Why don’t you include the party we are hosting at our nightclub?

Our listings are for non-profit organizations. We may make some separate listings for nightclubs and concert promoters at a later date, if there is an increase in interest.